OPM on Acceptability of Unaccredited Degrees
Hi everyone,

I know this is not the place to post this remark but I am very amazed and impressed by the professionalism and concern of this site's posters. Having been in DE/DL since the early 1980's I have found many individuals who do not understand the various avenues of RA and NRA that possess similar professional and noble aspects. In fact, as an examiner, I have assessed many schools, some accredited and bad and some non-accredited that are better. I wish the site much success.  I possess three graduate degrees and a fellowship (London - eq. MPhil) and I am currently at age 66 working on an advanced doctorate (DSc). Learning in wonderful!

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RE: OPM on Acceptability of Unaccredited Degrees - by celindgren - 12-23-2015, 02:51 PM

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