Is Westwood College a Diploma Mill or not?
Westwood's degrees aren't worthless.

The students attended class for several years to master their field. It's certainly nothing close to those pay-and-go places.

Westwood is a career school, and holds legitimate accreditation from a career school accredtitor. It's the type of accreditor which accredits barber colleges, business schools, technical schools, electronics schools, and beauty colleges.

Traditional schools typically don't accept degrees from trade schools because a substantial general ed curriculum isn't provided to the student. A career school typically cuts out the general ed and allows students to graduate in half the time as a traditional school.

The difference between a traditional school and a career school is that the career school focuses solely on the student's trade while at a traditional school 60% of a student's time is spent taking useless general ed classes and electives. A career school is a traditional school without all of the crap.

Westwood has been operating since the 50's and operates numerous campuses around the United States.

It seems the people in the interview have never heard of a TRADE SCHOOL and assumes that all schools are the same. If they took their Westwood undergraduate degree to another career school for graduate studies I'm fairly certain it would be accepted. Westwood is probably one of the larger career school chains in the United States.

I regularly recommend to friends and family members to attend career schools rather than traditional schools (although I wouldn't recommend Westwood because of its cost). At a career school the student only needs to study topics related to their major. Why should an Artist take Biology? Why should an English major know Calculus? A career school focuses solely on the student's profession so they can graduate in a shorter amount of time without a drop in quality.

These students are deluded if they think that they can successfully sue Westwood because their credits didn't transfer. No college is required to accept credits from any school. Should Westwood be obligated to accept an Excelsior degree which was completed with under three hours of coursework just because Excelsior is Regionally Accredited? No. Westwood has the right to reject or accept credits at its discretion just as any other college has the right to accept or reject Westwood credits at their discretion.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is Westwood College a Diploma Mill or not? - by RespectableGent - 10-20-2010, 06:43 AM

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