The Mere Mention of Her Name Drives Klones Mad!
Sheila Danzig!  

Telling the Anna Ticknor story (again).  Smart strong women...Gollin and Klempner Klones tremble in fear!  "Passive aggressive mood swings, must take more meds, uncontrollable urge to post bathroom metaphor on obscure internet discussion boards..."

Distance Learning: It Is Older Than You Think

Quote:The most popular approach to distance learning today is the online degree program offered by many online universities. However distance learning started long before the Internet was even a dream

Published on November 06, 2009

by Sheila Danzig

(Sheila Danzig and OfficialWire)


If you thought distance learning is a relatively new way to earn a college degree, think again! Online degree programs have only become popular in the last decade or so, but earning a degree by distance learning has been possible for more than 100 years! Prestigious universities in the United Kingdom, like Oxford and Cambridge, helped students earn a college degree at outlying locations, without setting foot on that university’s campus.

In the nineteenth century, Anna Ticknor, a Boston activist, developed a program that helped women to take college courses at home. Now women could get an education – in an era when many university campuses still refused to allow female students to enroll. Universities throughout the country adopted similar programs. Students could now take correspondence courses and graduate from programs hundreds of miles from their homes.

The World War II era witnessed a failed attempt at radioed correspondence courses. Educators didn’t stop trying to use mass media for distance learning, however, and television’s increasing popularity in the 1960s made this vision a reality. Degree programs offered through colleges such as Coastline, located in California, allowed working adults to finish a college education.

Some universities continue to offer televised courses for core courses such as English Composition. Students watch the televised program or videotapes during their free time. Testing is often offered through the university’s student extension centers, allowing students to schedule a time to come in and take the test during their free time.

The most popular approach to distance learning today, however, is the online degree program offered by many online universities. Students who live anywhere in the world can log on to a computer and access their virtual classrooms through the worldwide web. Furthermore, they don’t have to wait for a class to be televised or a videotape to be issued. Most online distance learning programs are accessible to students 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

The vast majority of students who try online learning would never go back to traditional classroom education. This is because distance learning programs offer freedom, flexibility and convenience unmatched by traditional college degree programs. Unfortunately, though, many fake degree scams have been threatening the reputation of online degree programs. Furthermore, most students don’t know how to tell the difference between a legitimate online degree graduate university and a fake degree scam or a diploma mill.

To combat this, distance learning experts such as Sheila Danzig have developed websites such as www.Degree.Com to protect students from these scams and diploma mills. All of the colleges and universities listed at this site offer accredited online degree programs. It is important that ONLY accredited programs be considered by students or they will have nothing to show for their money and work.

For more information about online colleges, online degree graduate programs and universities that feature programs in which you’re interested, Take advantage of the wide variety of online resources and informative articles available free to distance learning students. You may be surprised by how much you learn!

Sheila Danzig
Sheila Danzig
Tel: (954) 445-0107
I guess they can't handle successful women.  The Klones are all men who probably blame their lack of significance on women.

Some years ago I exchanged a few emails with Sheila on a topic and thought her to be a very nice and considerate person.  I know a lot more about the MIGS story than a lot of people but rehashing old news is pointless unless you're a Klone.

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