EZ Transfers "Swirling" New Trend
As transfer credit becomes easier students are saving money by "swirling"--taking courses at cheaper community colleges or picking up online courses unavailable at their own campus.

Quote:...At Honolulu Community College yesterday, several students said they are simultaneously enrolled at Manoa but find it cheaper to take courses at HCC. Some HCC students who cannot get necessary classes at either HCC or Manoa also said they simultaneously take online courses at other UH campuses.

"We call it 'swirling' and it's a national phenomenon," said Linda Johnsrud, UH vice president for academic planning and policy. "It's not a straight line anymore where students go straight through at one campus. With the increased ability to transfer courses throughout the system and the difference in tuition, students are savvy. We have more students starting their academic careers at the CCs with the intent of transferring to any of the three four-year campuses."
Quote:We have more students starting their academic careers at the CCs with the intent of transferring to any of the three four-year campuses."

Uh oh, Hawaii trying to be progressive again. Remember what happened the last time. They made it easy for unaccredited schools to operate there, thereby luring a nice segment of start-up and non-traditional higher ed providers to their sunny shores (including some guy named Klempner). Then after the cartel complained they pulled the rug out from under them and shut most of them down.

When will the cartel force UH to tighten up their transfer requirements again, and screw all the community college students who thought they were saving money? There's a reason why it's traditionally been so damn difficult to transfer course credits. The big pigs don't want little pigs feeding at their trough. They want students playing it safe, not savvy, and spending the big bucks on their overpriced 4-year school tuition so they don't have to worry if the credits will transfer.

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