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Non-RA Rockefeller Prez Now Stanford Boss - Printable Version

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Non-RA Rockefeller Prez Now Stanford Boss - Armando Ramos - 02-05-2016

Stanford Names New President

Stanford University has hired Marc Tessier-Lavigne as its new President.  Dr. Hyphen is currently president of Rockefeller University.

Who cares about the 23 Nobel Prize winners?  Rockefeller University is not regionally accredited!  OMFG!

Of course, Rockefeller U is institutionally accredited by the New York State Board of Regents, which is not one of the CHEA recognized “gold standard” regional accreditation agencies. (NYSBR is recognized by the US D of Ed.)   I'd wager that Dr. Hyphen’s nefarious associations couldn’t even get him a job as a moderator on a gay boy porn peddler’s website.

Sorry clones, if "RA or no way" is your mantra, you lose!  More proof of the genius of NoDickDoogle, who proved beyond a shadow of a doubt and with geometric logic that nobody with an IQ bigger than their hat size gives a rat’s ass about regional accreditation.