Whatever Happened to the Old Gang?
We know that Quinn tired of the abuse at DI/DD and destroyed and repudiated the doctorates he earned through brilliant work. His unaccredited academic work was probably more quoted in subsequent doctoral level research than anyone on these forums. Has a glass jaw with which he leads.

We know that Peter sucked up to the DI/DD guys. Peter flip-flopped a lot over the years but used to be an advocate of and a 4 time doctor from unaccredited schools. A couple of them were real schools.

Kersey seems to be doing the preacher thing and I haven't noticed his eloquence in any posts anywhere. I think he tired of it all. Another really talented guy.

I think Henrik got tired of the irrational abuse and moved on.

Jimmy used to be a supporter of unaccredited schools but now is just as likely to attack them. So desparately wants approval from the toe suckers.

Neil and James are here. I'm sure Redlyne Racer is here. Dennis is here.

It just isn't as much fun as it used to be. The toe suckers are afraid to leave their safe houses and debate seriously. This site has done much to discredit the mouths at DD/DI but it isn't a lot of fun anymore. 5 - 10 years ago it was a blast.
Ben Johnson Wrote:We know that Quinn tired of the abuse at DI/DD and destroyed and repudiated the doctorates he earned through brilliant work.  His unaccredited academic work was probably more quoted in subsequent doctoral level research than anyone on these forums.  Has a glass jaw with which he leads.

We know that Peter sucked up to the DI/DD guys.  Peter flip-flopped a lot over the years but used to be an advocate of and a 4 time doctor from unaccredited schools.  A couple of them were real schools.  

Kersey seems to be doing the preacher thing and I haven't noticed his eloquence in any posts anywhere.  I think he tired of it all.  Another really talented guy.

I think Henrik got tired of the irrational abuse and moved on.

Jimmy used to be a supporter of unaccredited schools but now is just as likely to attack them.  So desparately wants approval from the toe suckers.

Neil and James are here.  I'm sure Redlyne Racer is here.  Dennis is here.

It just isn't as much fun as it used to be.  The toe suckers are afraid to leave their safe houses and debate seriously.  This site has done much to discredit the mouths at DD/DI but it isn't a lot of fun anymore.   5 - 10 years ago  it was a blast.

I feel sory for Quinn. As you say, he had a glass jaw and was devestated when the wrecking crew went after him. Burning his degrees was beyond my understanding. He earned them and had no reason to buckle under. I can imagine how the gang howled in glee as the smoke rose into the air.

Kersey, probably did see the dark at the end of the tunnel and said to hell with it and moved on.

Henrik, is still around, but I doubt he will get involved. He has a school to run and there is no chance of any meaningful dialog with people unwilling to hear. But who knows, he might just decide to kick some tail again.

We started hitting them (DI/DD) where it really hurts, their provable lies. When you write books saying 2+2=4, and then post at many different sites that it doesn't equal 4, well, you get your butt in a big crack. When you say you owned 25% of something and then say you really owned 50% of the same thing, people start saying, wait a minute, both can't be true. Instead of just slapping them around we started showing their out-and-out lies. The boys couldn't stand that much heat and bailed out. Who could blame them. They have told the same stories so many different ways they can't remember the truth themselves today.  

I know what you mean. A lot of the old fun has left.  

You know I guess it's our own fault. We proved they were telling lies instead of just calling them liars. When you start quoting people who have constantly moving stories, well, you get the idea. Smile
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.
Quote:but it isn't a lot of fun anymore. 5 - 10 years ago it was a blast.

ten years ago the internet was in its infancy; getting information was hard.
I would have bought Bear's guide ten years ago.
Not so these last few years.
Decline can be credited to massive amounts of information made available and ease of use of an increased number of DE providers.
Listening to self-important, pompous clowns might one day have been the price to pay for information; not so today.
I need no website and above all no cancer cure quack, gay teen porn king, millist, financial wreck or massage parlor addict to lecture me.
I can just run a search and contact the relevant institution.
I no longer need the "professional advice" of dubious faceless internet ghosts, for there are official databases.
I don't know about Thomas Chip White...perhaps it was worth for him to fund degreeinfo with money from his gay teen porn empire, in order to conceal such empire under a thin veneer of god-fearing-respectability.
I don't know about dr. John Bear...perhaps he didn't like gay teen porn that much, but hell, the wolfpack of loons at DI helped him to sell his books, helped him misinform people about his legendary DE exploits: London Institute of Applied Research, Millard Fillmore, etc, and all he gave back was a token of "second hand glory" and keeping skeletons in the closet.
I don't know about Gregg des Elms. Probably having people believe in him as god-fearing censor in spite of his dubious past as brothel addict was good in the opinion of his psychotherapist.
I don't know about uncle Janko and why would a so-called priest spend a lifetime trolling on forums trying to make an impression on other faceless cowards, mental asylum rejects, deviants, therapy seekers and con people.
What I know is that I need none of that.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Bear was the father of Greenwich and the Uncle of IIAS in 1990-91, at a time when there were many accredited options out there, but, these accredited schools didn't, at that time, offer any monetary possibilities to Bear, hence, Greenwich and Hawaii. When Heriot-Watt came along and the possibility of a lot of money came into view, pow, he fell in love with state (as in a country) recognized schools and with their counterparts, U.S. accredited schools. Fell in love with the money they offered (I should say).

You know when you think about it. If a man will only recommend what lines his own pockets, his advice is useless, and so it is.

As Ham has so correctly pointed out, who needs this. We have too many different sources of information today to have any use for these little private guides which just advertise what the author is selling and pushing. Bear has sold enough books on something he never tried himself, nor did any of his family EVER use one of the Bear approved schools. If they were not good enough for Bear or his family to use he shouldn't have presented them to the public as good choices.

We should have asked what gave him the knowledge to make the statements he did about how good these private schools were, but, we trusted him when he said "Trust Me." Mistake number one. He brought out more books and we still bought them "Mistake Number two." He started degree mills and unaccredited schools and sold them to us "Mistake Number Three."

We brought it on ourselves. We trusted too much and asked too little and we allowed a convincing con-man to screw us over. He sold us the snake and then the cure for snake bites. We bought it hook line and sinker, but, we now know better. As with most things in life. The lessons most painful teach the best, most enduring lessons. I hope his comfortable retirement is enjoyable, he screwed so many to get it.
A.S., B.S., M.B.A.

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