VAE : French equivalent of prior learning
VAE is 'just another exotic acronym' to mean 'prior learning', experience learning etc.
When did people learn about 'VAE'?
When millists tried to surf on top of it, much like for decades we've heard of that UK education act saying that the value of a degree shall be left to the sole appreciation of employers; for millists and '(extremely) alternative' education proponents that meant in the UK all degrees were equal, even those printed in a basement.
Why was 'VAE' brought up?
Because the target public has no idea what it means, but must be cool and fast and easy.
In reality it isn't easier to get VAE degrees from a real French university than it is from one's local accredited universities...
The only difference is that local accredited universities will only go this far, while some peddler of bogus degrees can offer a fast & easy one based on some law from far away drafted in a language none understands, 110% life experience.
Now VAE (validation des acquis de l'expérience ) requires to be interviewed by a French.
Easy, huh?

Every university i know of has written PLAR policies. That doesn't mean they are fast or easy, or that getting a PLAR degree will be the best choice. Do I know every university in the world? No, why would I need to?

If we take Athabasca university as a reasonable example, they do offer PLAR:
And here is how many credits one might get for his PLAR:

Not 100%, not even close...

Rigged example?
Take Exeter University:
Quote:APL credits may constitute no more than 50% of any award.

Now if I really wanted to speed things up and some nice fellow offered me VAE degrees from Congo ( after all, a former French colony ), 100% PLAR, hey...

Quote:Dans la majeure partie des cas, le candidat doit remplir un dossier détaillant son expérience professionnelle et les compétences acquises. Il se présente ensuite devant un jury qui décide de valider tout ou partie du diplôme visé. En cas de validation partielle des acquis, des prescriptions sont proposées au candidat en vue d'obtenir la totalité du diplôme.

Dans l'enseignement supérieur, la validation des acquis existait déjà avant la mise en place de la V.A.E. Aujourd'hui encore, chacun peut faire valider son expérience professionnelle et personnelle pour accéder directement à un niveau de formation sans avoir le diplôme requis (décret du 23 août 1985). La loi de modernisation sociale du 17 janvier 2002, qui a créé la VAE, permet d'aller plus loin en autorisant les universités et les autres établissements d'enseignement supérieur à délivrer leurs diplômes ou leurs titres par une autre voie que celle de la formation ou l'apprentissage. La V.A.E. ramène la durée d'expérience de 5 à 3 ans.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore

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