Amazing Similarities! Lincoln/Gollin
It's just uncanny!  Consider all these amazing similarities between Abraham Lincoln and George Gollin (George D. Gollin, George Dana Gollin):

Lincoln: born in Illinois
Gollin: works in Illinois

Lincoln: father remarried when he was 10
Gollin: father remarried when he was 22

Lincoln: No experience in military when elected President
Gollin: No experience in non-traditional higher education when self-appointed expert

Lincoln: Gettysburg address
Gollin: Email address

Lincoln: Liberated slaves
Gollin: Liberated wealthy education cartel from cut-rate competitors

Lincoln: Collaborated with generals to win Civil War
Gollin: Collaborated with 15 pals to write doctoral dissertation

Lincoln: suspended habeas corpus
Gollin: scratches his ass in public

Lincoln: family ate roasted pheasant served with molasses sweet potatoes
Gollin: family eats chocolate vaginas and spring rolls (but hold the gefilte fish, thank you).

Lincoln: married daughter of a prominent slave-owning family from Kentucky
Gollin: married daughter of obscure “dirty papist”-hating family from Iowa.

Lincoln: wife known as a clothes-horse who dressed in European fashions
Gollin: wife known as a horse-face who dresses like a man

Lincoln: had a son who became a captain in the US Army
Gollin: has a daughter who became a lesbian radical cheerleader

Lincoln: had a secretary named Kennedy
Gollin: has a dear friend named Alan  

Lincoln: believed all men were created equal
Gollin: believes all except superior people like himself are created equal

Lincoln: shot in Ford’s theater
Gollin: drives a Saturn
Both tried to sell themselves as disinterested champions of supreme ideals while both were only peanuts who'd stop at nothing to get public attention.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Martin Eisenstadt Wrote:Lincoln: shot in Ford’s theater
Gollin: drives a Saturn

I'd take the bullet.

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