Academia's Top Abuses of 2008
Academia's Top Abuses of 2008

Quote:Academia's Top Abuses of 2008
by  Jason Mattera


Cadets at West Point, the nation’s foremost military academy, must maintain disciplined, selfless behavior -- a precursor to the standards graduates are expected to uphold and reinforce once commissioned as military officers. So how does leftist instructor Judy Rosenstein of the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership encourage cadets to appreciate the military’s code of conduct? By hosting a transgendered speaker in class, of course.

“Allyson” Robinson, a West Point grad him-, er, herself, switched genders after leaving the Army. Upon returning to West Point as a guest speaker, “Mrs.” Robinson found it “worrisome” that the student composition seemed more socially conservative than when “she” was a student. Nonetheless, “Mrs.” Robinson was pleased, in “her” words, to “expos[e] cadets to the diverse face of America as it is, rather than allowing them to exist in a cocoon” as they “wish it was.”

Anyone recall the purpose of Corporal Klinger’s escapades during the TV series “M*A*S*H?” Perhaps West Point’s leadership should invite speakers who emphasize, not undermine, what the military expects? “Mrs.” Robinson’s visit back to West Point does, however, explain why academia is in a mess these days: political correctness running amok. Too many school officials worship leftist orthodoxy first and act as responsible teachers second, if at all.

In that vein, Young America’s Foundation has once again compiled the “best of the worst” academic abuses for 2008. And we’d like to share it with HUMAN EVENTS readers.

When English Class Turns Gay

Heads turned when Deerfield High School in Deerfield, Ill., required this book as part of an Advanced Placement English literature course: Angels in America: A Gay Fantasia on National Themes. The book is laced with graphic sexual content, much of it too inflammatory to print here -- although there are “milder” exchanges fit to report, such as one character pleading with his sexual partner to “infect” and “make [him] bleed.” Supporters of Angels in America say the book is useful because it depicts “forgiveness, kindness, and compassion,” as if HIV-positive sodomy is the best way to promote empathy to minors.

Conservatives Need Not Apply

Administrators at the College of St. Catherine in St. Paul, Minn. -- the nation’s largest Catholic women’s college -- unexpectedly blocked young conservatives on campus from hosting Bay Buchanan, a popular conservative commentator and U.S. Treasurer under President Reagan. College officials deemed Ms. Buchanan’s remarks on “Feminism and the 2008 Election” too politically charged, citing concerns about the school’s tax status. Those same “concerns,” mind you, didn’t prohibit the school from sponsoring programs that push for universal healthcare and minimum wage increases or from hosting anti-war radical Frank Kroncke, who’s still reliving the Vietnam days. But Bay Buchanan? Well, she’s partisan, according to St. Catherine’s administration.

You Can’t Pray Here

The First Amendment: is it a bestowed right given from above and protected by our government or a meaningless, antiquated concept to be disposed of? If you’re the folks at the College of Alameda in California, you’d pick the latter.

How else do you explain their threatening to expel a student who prayed on campus? It all started when a student, Kandy Kyriacou, visited her professor to give her a Christmas gift. But when Kandy saw that her teacher was ill, she offered to pray for her. The professor agreed. That’s when Derek Piazza, another professor, walked in and flipped out that a prayer -- gasp, a prayer -- was occurring on college premises. “You can’t be doing that in here,” Piazza purportedly barked. Kandy received a retroactive “intent to suspend” letter from the administration, claiming that she was guilty of “disruptive or insulting behavior” and “persistent abuse of” college employees. Further infractions would result in expulsion, the letter read.

Ho, Ho, Fuggetaboudit

Who’s offended by Christmas decorations? All the white liberals who celebrate Kwanza? Must be. Florida Gulf Coast University’s president, Wilson Bradshaw, sent holiday festivities packing because he didn’t know “how best to observe the season in ways that honor and respect all traditions.” Holiday décor wasn’t the only thing to go under Bradshaw. The school’s greeting card contest got tossed as well. Cheer up, says the president -- Christmas merriment was replaced with an “ugly sweater competition.” Mr. Bradshaw ultimately had a change of heart, after his embarrassing attempt at censorship became public.

The other five examples on Young America’s Foundation’s report, “PC Campus: Academia’s Top 10 Abuses of 2008,” are accessible through, if you can handle more illustrations of school officials abusing their power to advance a leftist agenda.
Americans basically cut their balls with WWII.
They couldn't possibly fight Fascist regimes based on ultra-conservatism, brainwash the unwashed into thinking that ultra-conservatism as epitomized by Fascism (broadly put, including the Japanese example ) was the evilest of all evils AND STILL have ultra-conservative ( far-right, whatever ) agendas ruling at home as mainstream options.
So Hitler was racist but you could have segregation?
So fascist race laws were the ultimate sin, but interracial marriages were outlawed or invalid in many States?
The Italian & Vichy fascist regimes ( not to mention the Belgian REX party ) had very strong 'traditional' religious ties, best epitomized in a speech by a bishop(?) addressing légion volunteers who fought with Germany in the USSR: he invokes as antecedents Joan of Arc, Louis XIV and Henri room for French Revolution's lefty egg-heads, nor for Voltaire.
So those were evil, but you could have religious fundamentalism at home?
Hitler mass-murdered gays and queers, so isn't about time we cut the poor folks some slack to make amends?
Granted, some are going to step out of the line of what many consider appropriate in their advocacy, but tolerance is what Fascism lacked so we must make up for the lost time and consider some excess as natural ricochet effect after centuries of hatred.
Japan was fiercely based on the cult of family and ancestry...atomic bombs had to be used to put an end to that...and we want to keep stuck in the 1930s at home?
Meanwhile elected slimebags rub their hands laughing all the way to the bank cashing their 'gratitude fee' for the happy contractors taking part in the next 'social engineering' program.
Plus, it frees and boosts some demographic niches opening up business opportunities to cater to the newly freed slaves...more hamburgers being eaten, more debt schemes gotten into...more taxes...[/align]
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
I've always wondered why conservatives get the credit for producing Fascists and Nazis. National Socialists were simply what they declared themslves to be, socialists. While free enterprise was the economic system it was tightly controlled. The quote myself, it was like Sweden with death camps. I had some long forgotten educator say that said they only called themselves socialists to fool the people. Ridiculous. The true German conservatives, the monarchists suffered under the Nazis. Liberals are much more likely to employ Nazi tactics than conservatives.
Dennis Ruhl Wrote:I've always wondered why conservatives get the credit for producing Fascists and Nazis.  National Socialists were simply what they declared themslves to be, socialists.  While free enterprise was the economic system it was tightly controlled.  The quote myself, it was like Sweden with death camps.  I had some long forgotten educator say that said they only called themselves socialists to fool the people.  Ridiculous.  The true German conservatives, the monarchists suffered under the Nazis.  Liberals are much more likely to employ Nazi tactics than conservatives.

First of all, Fascism was a strict byproduct of WWI and its terrible effects and consequences. Both in Italy and Germany bloody 'communist revolutions' took place (called biennio rosso in Italy and 'Republic of the councils' in Bavaria. Council is soviet and Nazis started in Bavaria ), so no wonder the reaction went in the opposite direction.
I never said 'conservatives'...conservative parties almost everywhere are just the empty wagons of a travelling show to support status quo.
I said 'ultra-conservative' IDEAS.
Codreanu's Romanian fascism revolved around pure christian religious mysticism.
The REX party in Belgium evolved out of Catholic youth organizations, but at some point the Church preferred the old parties that were leaning towards the far left, much like it was happening back then in France & Spain.

What counts, however, is that you cannot finger point an idea (ultra-conservatism ) and brainwash the masses into identifying that with the ultimate evil AND then do the same at home.
Again: you cry foul over GERMAN race laws, but want to keep segregation and outlaw or invalidate interracial marriages?
You want to expose the horror of ultra-religious ideas in Fascism and call it 'bigotry' AND at the same time you want to claim that YOUR fundamentalist preachers are fine?

The 'socialist' after the 'national' referred to old-school, non-marxist interpretations. There was a huge fraction, though, that pushed more advanced social policies more in tune with the small bourgeoisie and upper working class, made of former communist and social activists in northern Germany (the brothers Strasser so to speak ) and that hated the great capital...they were first intimidated out of party congress, then murdered into silence.
It was no longer marxism, but wanted to muzzle the big capital...which Hitler had desperately courted.
There was a famous article to that effect before the massacre:'Socialists leave NSDAP'.
Ernst Roehm, head of the SA, was murdered because they said he was gay. I have no idea, but most Nazi leaders were involved in 'sexual magic'. Roehm, the Strassers and the populist SA, though, disliked flirting with the big capital and old aristocrats in the military, but Hitler had to appease them and thus murdered the very men who had brought him in power.
Mussolini followed the same trajectory sending many fascist maximalists in exile or confinement, who'll resurface after the 1943 debacle.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore

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