Violent Leftists Control Universities
Quote:Horowitz: Right Treated Badly on Campuses

Friday, 01 Oct 2010 09:50 AM
By: Jim Meyers

Conservative activist and best-selling author David Horowitz tells Newsmax it is an “absolute disgrace” that left-wing radicals at American universities are so intolerant of right-wing views that he has to hire a bodyguard when he speaks on campuses.

Students are being punished for expressing opposition to the liberal views of any professor who is a "political ideologue,"? says Horowitz, author of the new book "Reforming Our Universities: The Campaign for an Academic Bill of Rights."? He is founder and president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, founder of Students for Academic Freedom, and a Newsmax contributor.

Horowitz has long campaigned for academic freedom, maintaining that U.S. universities are hotbeds of radical leftist thought and urging professors to include conservative and pro-American resources in their curriculum.

In an exclusive interview with Newsmax.TV, he said universities have a code of political correctness that inhibits the free exchange of ideas.

"You have to believe that America is a racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, Islamophobic country to get through many courses in universities these days,"? he says.

"This is the mentality of communist parties and communist states. The people who are shaping our university classrooms today, or lots of them, and have totally infiltrated the Democratic Party think exactly the way the communists did 20 and 30 years ago."?

Asked whether students who disagree with professors are fearful of being punished with poor grades when they speak out, Horowitz responds: "Absolutely. They're fearful of filing grievances because there's no conservatives on the faculty to look after them.

"And I can't blame them. I know way too many stories of students who were punished.

"A student would write a paper challenging a professor, get a C-minus, and then decide there was no future in that because this professor was obviously a political ideologue. And so they would parrot back what the professor was trying to impose on them and get an A. It's terrible."

Horowitz bemoaned the fact that he needs a bodyguard when he is invited to speak at a university. "I share a bodyguard with Ann Coulter and Michelle Malkin,"? he tells Newsmax. "It's an absolute disgrace.

"You have on campuses, I have to call them communists because that's what they are, and Islamofascists. The Students for Justice in Palestine is a fascist organization, a Jew-hating fascist organization on most campuses. And if someone like myself or Ann or Michelle comes to the campus, they threaten violence and they intimidate students.

"I've had college Republicans who invited me say they are fearful for their safety. The universities will do nothing about this."

He also expressed dismay that conservatives don't use their "leverage"? to exercise more control over college curriculum. "The boards of trustees of private universities, the major donors, tend to be conservative,"? Horowitz says.

"If they paid any attention to the curriculum, if they would read this book 'Reforming Our Universities' and get a picture of the lay of the land there, they could do enormous good."?

Horowitz was asked how William Ayers -- an unrepentant 1960s terrorist who was involved in several bombings, including at the Capitol Building -- could be an education professor at the taxpayer-supported University of Illinois.

"Because the universities are hospitable to violent leftists,"? he says.

"Ayers traveled recently to Gaza to meet with Hamas. Ayers is an American Nazi, that's what he is.

"There are people in universities that despise Billy Ayers, but they're intimidated into silence.

"The dominant forces, the people that control universities, and most faculty Senates are radical leftists who approve of Billy Ayers."?
Quote:David Horowitz -...-.You have on campuses, I have to call them communists because that’s what they are, and Islamofascists. The Students for Justice in Palestine is a fascist organization, a Jew-hating fascist organization on most campuses. And if someone like myself or Ann or Michelle comes to the campus, they threaten violence and they intimidate students. -...-Ayers traveled recently to Gaza to meet with Hamas. Ayers is an American Nazi, that’s what he is.

Yawn...another Jewish ideologue having a go at other Jewish ideologues...also notice how the entire dribble is meant to drive home the point of "Jew-hate", "Islamic extremism","Nazis"...PFFT!
Shall we stand up for Israel? that's some fresh air in politics...
You listen to him and the other jokes...
I thought you were supposed to have Ozzie&Harriet defending the American way, not such people, but whatever...Big GrinRolleyes
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Socialist, Communist Freak Show Marches for Obama

This was a labor union rally 10-2-2010 in DC, but it could just as easily be most college campuses (or classrooms).

Armando?Ramos Wrote:Socialist, Communist Freak Show Marches for Obama

I hear that most of the one trillion people who showed up were actually bused in by labor unions. Union goons told them to go support free choice or face the consequences.

Well here's one for you, Armando. Leftist dipshits are crestfallen. Velvet Underground drummer Mo Tucker speaks out at an anti-government tea party rally in Georgia. Seems like more and more people are...beginning to see the light:

Quote:I'm furious about the way we're being led towards socialism. I'm furious about the incredible waste of money when things that we really need and are important get dropped because there's no money left.

[about 2:40 in]
Don Dresden Wrote:Velvet Underground

Sterling Morrison, doctorate in medieval studies from the University of Texas at Austin.
Quote:Preventing a Propaganda Parade
Tuesday, October 05, 2010
By Ed Feulner

Here's a pop quiz for you college students out there.

When handling controversial issues, whether modern-day or historical, do your professors present both sides? Do they solicit alternate viewpoints, or at least create an atmosphere in which those who disagree feel comfortable airing a different perspective? Do they encourage critical thinking?

If you answered "yes"? to any or all of these questions, congratulations. Your experience puts you in a distinct minority among college students. Consider some all-too-typical examples:

-- A mid-term exam in a criminology course at the University of Northern Colorado required students to write an essay on the topic, "Explain Why President Bush is a War Criminal."?

-- At Colorado University Law School, a professor of property law harangued his class on why all Republicans are racist.

-- A required "Peace Studies"? textbook at Ohio State University (Marion) claimed that the Soviet Union, unlike the United States, was a force for peace in the Cold War, and that the United States is the world's greatest terrorist state. The authors did not even entertain the possibility that the United States might be in any way a force for good.

"You have to believe that America is a racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, Islamophobic country to get through many courses in universities these days,"? notes David Horowitz, a former left-wing activist who provided the above examples to the Ohio Senate when campaigning for adoption of an Academic Bill of Rights. The story of that battle is detailed in his latest book, "Reforming Our Universities."?

The sharp left bent toward political correctness in nothing new in our nation's universities. It can be traced to the heady days of student unrest that arose in late 1960s and early 1970s during the Vietnam War.

But as Dinesh D'Souza showed in his 1991 bestseller "Illiberal Education," it wasn't until the 1980s "when those who had marched, chanted and protested as students themselves became professors?" that our nation's colleges morphed from institutions of scholarly pursuit to full-fledged indoctrination factories.

The result, as author Roger Kimball documents in his book "Tenured Radicals,"? is nothing less than a "war against Western culture."

It's important to note that the problem arises not from the inclusion of politically liberal ideas. The problem, as an examination of the curriculum of almost any American college reveals, is that the conservative position has been evicted. It's treated in one of two ways: It's held up for ridicule, or it's simply ignored.

If, on the other hand, professors were presenting both points of view, fairly and dispassionately, there would be nothing to quarrel about. In fact, there would be much to praise, because such academic inquiries lie at the heart of what a university is--or should be.

And it's not just in the classroom. A student at Palm Beach State University tried this year to establish a chapter of Young Americans for Freedom, a conservative student group, at the campus "rush"? event for registered clubs. She was told by phone and email that she could do so. But when one administrator saw her table adorned with literature (including Heritage Foundation reports) that dared to criticize President Obama's economic policies, she ordered the student to collect her material and leave immediately.

The administrator claimed the group could not exhibit at the event because it hadn't registered properly. But the law permits even leafleting at a public university, with no special permission required.

"College is a refuge from hasty judgment,"? Robert Frost once wrote. At least, it's supposed to be--and a long time ago, it actually was.

But unless parents, students and community leaders stand up for their rights, the rush to muzzle conservative thought, while leading a leftist propaganda parade on campus, will continue unabated.
Quote:But unless parents, students and community leaders stand up for their rights, the rush to muzzle conservative thought, while leading a leftist propaganda parade on campus, will continue unabated.

Conservative thought?
Come on!
All you have are drones telling you why you should stand up for Israel from fifty different perspectives...
Freedom of speech?
Ask them to bring David Irving, Israel Shamir or some orthodox antizionist rabbis on campus, then you'll see how much these conservatives care about freedom of speech.
Until a short time ago, absolute freedom of speech existed to criticize&revile Nazi Germany & assimilates (racists, homophobes...) this freedom extends to Muslims (guess what, another edition of racists, antisemites, homophobes...).
Thank you, but I'll pass.
WTF...the contention is between choosing whether the CIA is more friendly than the KGB...go f-ck themselves.
A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore
Don Dresden Wrote:Well here's one for you, Armando. Leftist dipshits are crestfallen. Velvet Underground drummer Mo Tucker speaks out at an anti-government tea party rally in Georgia. Seems like more and more people are...beginning to see the light:

Thanks Donny. That was better than the "All Tomorrow's Tea Parties" line that everyone else used.

BTW, that's also Mo holding up the "Something's Brewing And It's Not The Tea!!" sign at 2:32.

I'll never forget that night the VU made their first national TV appearance on the Lawrence Welk Show. A waterfall, a waterfall......

ham Wrote:All you have are drones telling you why you should stand up for Israel from fifty different perspectives...

No particular fan of Israel myself, but less a fan of people who hijack planes and blow up buildings. This seemed to sum it up for me:

Quote:...I've often used a [Joseph] Sobran observation to explain why I have a greater affinity to Israel than to the Muslim world after 9/11: Watching a death-match fight on Animal Planet once, Joe said he found himself instinctively rooting for the mammal over the reptile.
Quote:No particular fan of Israel myself, but less a fan of people who hijack planes and blow up buildings.  This seemed to sum it up for me:

And the cockroaches of the police state who flooded the country with "people who hijack planes and blow up buildings"?
Come on...
It doesn't hold water...
I suppose you believed in weapons of mass destruction, turned out they could find none in a defeated, occupied country explored by their own inspectors...
What did George Doublejew do?
Blame it on some careless report...
What did little hulkamaniacs do?
Elect him and his drone Blair, admitted liars, a second time...
Should I have affinity with all of that?
The gut item...
Are we going to say we hate Israel because they hijack humanitarian aids and kill people who allegedly bring food to Arabs in concentration camps?
Oh yes...those were supporters of terrorism bringing supplies to terrorists and nobody actually was just great acting and tomato sauce; and you don't call that a concentration camp, but a policed HAS to be policed because those damn Muslims are antisemite assassins by definition.
Can you spot the weak point?

And who should your opinion leaders be?

Quote:David Horowitz, a former left-wing activist -...-Conservative activist and best-selling author David Horowitz

A.A Mole University
B.A London Institute of Applied Research
B.Sc Millard Fillmore
M.A International Institute for Advanced Studies
Ph.D London Institute of Applied Research
Ph.D Millard Fillmore

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